Friday, May 19, 2006

The Latest and Greatest...well...not so great

A small note before we begin - I think I'm physic! Really, have a look at the post for the Logies...way down the page. Did I not say Anthony C needs to stop singing The Prayer because before I know it he will turn up at Beaconsfield?

Well HE DID. That's right - the Sunrise second best benefit concert apparently featured Mr Short Man belting it out. I think it's time Australia intervened!

Melissa Doyle – Melbourne Magistrates Court

The courts haven’t seen such high class fashion since my de facto Darren fronted up on trafficking charges and I wore my flannel dress shirt. Clearly Mel, fresh from her chasing ambulance duty aka Beaconsfield coverage decides the best way to let the Judge know her innocence is to wear it. Pure, virginal, butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth white! The pants do need to a serious moment alone with the iron but Mel’s been doing it tough, stranded so far from hair and makeup in Tasmania. I’ll give you a pass – just this once.

Naomi Robson – Melbourne Magistrates Court

Good lord that pony tail is going to give her a hell of a hair headache. I’m actually a little shocked Noms rocked up looking like she was attending a parole hearing. Every other Seven presenter managed to dig out a suit or jacket but here’s Noms in the jeans and tacky sequined Ralph Lauren that retails for $5 down the road at Dimmey’s. Although I do believe her claims that she’s doing her own makeup – it would explain the heavy lip liner.

Antonia Kidman – Foxtel Launch

I was just thinking to myself the other day about the green leopard print tiger I saw in the jungle! I can’t even begin to excuse what’s going on here, it’s Mummy’s weekend boots teamed with incredibly wrong length of dress and a mismatched blue camisole. Antonia, I know life must be hard living in Nicole’s sickly pale botoxed shadow but this is no way to step out into the limelight.

Diana Glenn – Australians in Fim in LA

I’m not even sure this girl is Australian but she comes across my radar for two, yes two issues. Firstly, I know Diana you’re at an Australian event but wearing thongs isn’t appropriate. Rule of thumb: when there is carpet and you have to walk down it, a heel will do. Secondly, why, is your boob about to Tara Reid out? This, my friends is not the only photo with the strap around her ankles. All the way down the carpet, she’s decided against the modern confines of dressing. Which is overall sad because this could have been a really nice outfit. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

Jonathan LaPaglia and his Date - Australians in Fim in LA

We have a bit of a sibling theme going on here today at HLOD and if we are learning anything, it’s that the lesser known sibling is without a doubt is a crappy dresser. I think maybe Jonathan’s date thought an invite to an Australian event meant hoe down on the farm, yee ha! Well, news for those Yankees, we actually have had electricity for some time now and fashion sense as well. It seems the lights are out in your head and the fashion sense hasn’t come in yet.

Rachael Taylor – Australians in Fim in LA

Clearly the axing of Headland has hurt Rachael, badly. She’s probably moping about her LA apartment, afraid to come back to Australia for fear of being pointed at and mocked. Dressing like a blue shapeless sack won’t help her cause though. Her Grade Three First Day School stance for the camera isn’t helping either.

Sunny Mabrey - Australians in Fim in LA

Again, I’m not sure if Sunny is Australian but she’s at an Australian event so prepare to be judged. The outfit isn’t bad at all, nothing really wrong. That is if you’re heading out for Friday night drinks after work. It's probably been a tough day at the local stationery head office. As long as she handed in all her reports, everything will be fine.

Fiona Faulkiner – Fashion Targets Breast Cancer

I am SO SO SO happy for Fiona. Look what happens when you lose weight and begin to feel good about yourself. The dress is a beautiful shape that highlights Fiona’s height, the boots are so very now and shaggy hair is in style without looking like its being styled. She's even learnt the best angles to stand for pics - a must in any celebrity handbook. Ticks, cheers and a small tear of emotion all round.

Toni Pearen – Fashion Week

A tale of two outfits and one coat: What Lies Under.

Behind coat one: a truly hideous pair of wallpaper pants that should be taken away and buried in a hole, never to be worn again. The navy see through shirt and Indian belt aren’t helping the matter.

Behind coat two: A beautiful dress with a really nice girly green belt that ties it all together. The ruffles on the dress aren’t bad at all, which is odd cause normally I’m anti ruffles, in a big way. The coat is actually doing most of the damage here. Its shapelessness and colour are hiding the classy achievements underneath.

Tiffani Wood – Fashion Week

I’m not really sure why Tiffani Wood thought it would be appropriate to wear the test pattern from television as a skirt. It’s neither fashionable nor funky. Maybe it’s the only television program that will associate with someone so under graded as a celebrity. Also the neck scarf raises issues of croissants and bakeries and the Effiel Tower and the fact that Tiffani and her skirt would be laughed all the way to Charles de Gaulle airport by the snotty French.

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