Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Logies Wrap Up Part 2 - Oh Dear God

Megan Gale

I am supermodel hear me ROAR!! Maybe Megan’s hoping after her awesome performance in the critically acclaimed film Stealth that the rumours of Gladiator 2 are true and Russell will hire her.

Megan, Megan, adored in Italy and very so-so here. Wonder why that is? I do like her lovely hair, with its highlights but why did she feel it was necessary to accessorize with bracelets stolen from the set of The Mummy.

Natalie not even going to try and spell that crazy ass surname

I see what you’re doing here Nat and applaud the notion – it’s just the execution that’s shabby. The blue is a little too 80’s and why did you attached black tule to the bottom? I agree with whatever waffling host that commented on the earrings – they are divine, I’ll have them please.

It’s just an overall non-click for me. For someone who’s been so many personalities this year, 80’s prom queen isn’t the one I would have picked for the Logies.

Rove and Belinda

Awwwhhh…these two lovebirds just get me every time! And it’s fantastic to see Belinda looking healthy. All those herbs and spices she’s taking must be working a treat – call Today Tonight.

Rove looks so excited to be on her arm which is sweet again but also makes him look like he’s picked her up for the high school formal not believing the coolest girl in school actually said yes.

Rebecca Gibney

Oh Halifax FP in your power suits and cutting lines please come back. This shoddy Marilyn Monroe attempt is ruining your good name. This pic doesn’t capture how badly when Rebecca moves the dress doesn’t move with her, allowing boobs to tumble around her cleavage like my socks in the dryer. Notice also Rebecca, how both cameras behind you are lenses down? I think there’s something in that for all of us

Rachel Carp (something weird)

Okay this has to be the stupidest dress ever! This angle is doing her the world of favours, because from the front the Boxing Belt she’s going strung over her neck manages to not only squash her boobs but accentuates a belly that really isn’t there. Then, and who knows why, she adds another hideously atrocious necklace. Why, oh why?? The dress by itself would have been dramatic and elegant. Drover’s Run is depending on you and this is how you repay them?

Sigrid Thornton

Ladies of a certain age, and even stupid young starlets take note This is how to dress your age and not look aged. Elegant, tasteful, beautiful, perfect length and fit, colour, perfect hair, the right shoes and bag. Sigrid take a bow, this is why John Waters couldn’t wait to run his rivers through it!

Sonia Kruger

After all these years of peroxiding that hair, it’s finally seeped into Sonia’s brain. Catriona Rowntree wore the almost identical dress last year in navy and she looked quite a bit better in it. Still poor Sonia, she had an awfully rough night. Took a nice big tumble on the way to winning an award that neither she nor Darryl really had anything to do with. We watch for the celebrities looking like idiots not bumbling hosts and over the top sidekicks.

Sophie Faulkiner

I’ve never understood this pose on the red carpet. ‘Look everyone I remembered my handbag! Aren’t I clever?’

The yellow reminds me so vividly of Michelle Williams gamble on the red carpet at the Oscars and that divided many. She is an Oscar nominated, indie film darling with fashion forwardness – why Sophie did you feel as the ex-letter turner from Wheel of Fortune, that you could compete with that?

Stephanie MacIntosh

After last year’s debacle it could really only get better but if I were Stephanie, I’d want to tear up the red carpet – I’d want to turn up looking so hot, the red dress would be forgotten as quickly as a contestant on Big Brother. Yet this sequined crazy flapper number is drowned by the Barbie and the Rockers hairstyle you’ve got going on. Also, have a quick chat with Fiona from Biggest Loser about dressing for your size.

Jackie O in the background also imitating a tea pot – Nicole Richie called and want’s her look back.

Tamara ‘no talent’ Jaber and Kyle ‘I’m as Stupid as I Look’ Sandilands

These two kids epitomise the Bogan dream.

Have medium to low amount of talent between them. Check. Become famous not for what you do, but who you date. Check. Spend stupid amounts of money on houses, toys and records deals to seem ‘old money’. Check. Believe your own self hype and deluded yourself into thinking that singing career will be successful. Check. Completely screw up the red carpet with the Fairy Princess goes to the Logies look. Big fat check.

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