Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Beginning of Catwalk Mania

Yes, I know it's a day behind. Tell that to my power company who decided - just for kicks - to shut off my power. Forcing me to go and see The Sentinel and let's just say Eva Longria should stick to skimpy outfits, cause the acting - not so much. However Keifer Sutherland - man knows how to work a suit and brooding stare.

Belinda & Tali

I feel sorry for Belinda – because if she didn’t have Tali draped all over her, she could possibly be here under very different circumstances. She has a really nice dress and lovely legs but I can’t really see both because my eyes are horrifically drawn to mess next to her. Tali look’s like she’s been attacked by a nasty bout of Japanese Calligraphy Poison Ivy on her legs and then she tops it off with a reject from Collette’s Ring My Bell video clip top and necklace. Still nothing says classy like a matching tattoo and leggings.

Fashion Assassin Summer/Spring Show

Now usually I don’t venture onto the catwalks – because frankly, it scares the crap out of me. Who can explain half the stuff that comes out but I understand that’s what a catwalk is and that most times the clothes won’t be practical or sensible. Still, someone needs to explain this outfit to me? Just picture, you’re having your Sunday coffee, relaxed after a nice breakfast reading the papers – very hip, very cool. Then this boy walks past you in the street – what would you do? Of course you spit your latte through your nose spilling it all over next week’s horoscope and laugh uncontrollably and then reminded yourself that’s what happens when you do drugs for too long.

Jennifer Hawkins

Oh, she’s so fresh face and girl next door you could almost bottle it. In fact in the advertisers dictionary next to appealing campaign of moral virtue Jennifer’s picture is there. And she looks very sweet and lovely here, it’s all very nice and friendly. The shoes do worry me though – I have an urge to break out into the Good Ship Lollipop with its own special tap dance routine.


Before you all rush to Kathryn’s defence, I think she looks good. Lovely satin suit skirt outfit – the shoes that are so hotter than hot right that everyone is wearing them, to all occasions. My problem is the slouching, the bent over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame – and before you all get up in arms to defend Kathryn, it’s not just this photo, she’s slouched her way up that red carpet. Kathryn, you’ve got height, brilliant stand out in the crowd statuesque height – use it! Or as my mother said ‘stand up straight!’ – Mum’s pretty eloquent.


I love it, I love it, I love it …WAIT! The shoes! AGHRR a lovely beautiful elegant classy outfit ruined by mismatched shoes. It’s not that the shoes are bad, in fact with the right outfit they themselves would be fantastic, it’s just when pieced together with a demure black and white ensemble they are demanding the wrong attention. Did she break a heel on the way there and had to by an emergency pair of shoes?

Mischa Barton

I was so excited to have Mischa on our shores – I was ready to launch into a Rachel Zoe smack down and then Mischa does this! She looks fresh and young and spring and everything she’s paid to look. I can’t rage against her machine on this, I really can’t. Only the excessive amount of clothes being sent to her hotel when I clearly am in need of a new wardrobe is something I can be angry about – and even then it because she’s famous and photographed all the time so I can see why they’d chose Mischa over me.


I hate to do this, it’s the end of winter and I know we are all carrying that extra bit of insulation but when you try and squeeze that insulation into small clothing dreadful things can happen. Including what we have a here – a gold cover camel toe. I really think Sandra felt like she was bringing some much needed colour and excitement to this boring political tourist function but there’s a reason models go into fashion and politicians go into politics – fashion sense!

Sharyn Ghidella

This is a sweet little frock Shaz has on – very demure and dignified and she’s doing well to reverse the awful newsreader curse we’ve seen here lately. My quibble (yes, it’s a word) is it does nothing for Shazza’s frame – it gives her what can only be described as a Petria Thomas shoulder lift. She looks ready to compete in the Beijing butterfly race.

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