Sunday, August 26, 2007

Everyone is tired and stayed home

Check Your Mailbox: Harper's Bazaar Project Pink - Sydney (Size 12's aren't invited); Danish Embassy Gala Night - Sydney (how do you say is there another Prince who is single in Danish?); 30 Days of Fashion & Beauty - Sydney (the ACP fashion fight for September begins); Australian Writers Guild Awards - Sydney (with my spelling and grammar I'm a shue in for best blog!); Colour My Life - Sydney (raising money for CanTeen, good people).

Bianca Dye

I’m beginning to worry about Bianca’s self esteem. Is she actually purposefully sabotaging her own outfits because she doesn’t feel worthy enough to look good? Bianca, I think you need to love yourself a little more, or at least enough to realise that potato sacks aren’t dresses and wishing won’t make it so.

Jason Dundas

I know skinny leg jeans on boys are all the rage right now and any boy worth his metrosexual salt is slipping into a pair. However, my problem with this is, I struggle enough squeezing into my jeans, and I don’t want my partner jumping around the bedroom, doing the same bend and stretch manoeuvres to get into his jeans. Next thing we will have to share hair straighteners.

Jo Stanley

There’s that lovely phrase, ‘a face for radio.’ And sure John Laws, is captain of that team, but the latest crop of radio presenters have the looks and the voice. Why Jo does her best to dress down and dowdy, so that she and Bianca Dye are having a dowdy off, is beyond me. And sure, the mullet hairdo is cool, but Jo, I HATE it! HATE IT!

Marc and Camilla Freeman

You know Marc, if you don’t want to be in the picture, just say so, okay? Nobody will care, but this pissed as hell shot doesn’t befit anyone. Meanwhile Camilla, is doing her best impersonation of an Allen’s Lifesaver, but still oddly making it work! It’s truly bizarre. It’s really not a great dress, but the simple hair and makeup, she some how makes it look cool??? Weird, huh?

Sharon Millerchip & Marina Prior

You can so tell in this picture, that Sharon is just busting to get away from Marina, just itching to break free from the clashing fabrics and colours that Marina showed up in. Seriously Marina, you really thought the red lacy thing matched the rest of the outfit? Honestly, you can’t have, otherwise maybe get your eyes checked, you could be colour blind.

Natalie Gruzlewski

Yeah sure, she’s pretty and nice figure but this outfit is very blah and shows no fashion inclination except what’s in pages of Cleo and what you’ve been told is cool. Also, God help me Nat, but please, please cut that damn hair. It looks so unhealthy and ratty at the ends. I just want to get a whipper snipper and have at it.

Sarah Murdoch

She’s a classy little minx that Sarah. Here, she’s co-launching her parenting book and boy, don’t you immediately trust her. Funky, youthful and fresh yet appealing to the younger mum market and respectable all at the same time. Fashion’s a skill and Sarah excels. A little down point for the black shoes – don’t quite hit the mark.

Stephanie McIntosh

And the Stephanie dance continues, one step forward, two steps back. Hair and makeup and shoes are good, keep that up Steph, but the pattern dress! Come on, I know you told Herald Sun that you’ve lost a few kilos and that’s great, good work, but it may be a tad early to jump into the print dress. Especially that print, which is like those psychology cards – tell me what you see? A bunny killing it’s mother, is that wrong?

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