Sunday, December 02, 2007

Beckham's in the house, what's offside mean?

Ajay Rochester

Look, it’s not brilliant but it’s actually pretty okay. And yes, you don’t want to hear that on your big night, you look okay, I think Ajay should take it as a compliment. I feel like Network Ten stylists have in the past few weeks extended the arm of friendship to Ajay and offered her a few nice dresses, this may or may not have something to do with Biggest Loser currently filming. I like to think Network stylists were being nice, but then I think Idol and those clothes.

Antonia Kidman

The Kidman sisters are funny bunch and not as in hysterical sitting around the table discussing the emotional repercussions of Martha not interrupting Jack’s wedding on Home & Away with a bottle of wine and then becoming increasingly excited about High School Musical 2 – my house is fun! They strike me as severe, chilly, frosty, polite private school girl giggling behind hands over mouths. I feel this comes across in their fashion sense as well and all I want to say is lighten up – and maybe eat a donut.

Bianca Dye

Lordy be! Firstly, and fore mostly, does Bianca Dye not owe a bra? Or is she a really strongly minded, fight for everyone feminist? If that’s the score, then so be it. But alas, I feel it’s just Dye-rs has real trouble finding a dress that she likes that also has room and availability for a bra. They do existing B-Dye, search high and low but you’ll find it. Also, while searching, maybe steer well clear, like not even same suburb as the colour yellow!

Jennifer Peers

People often remark how flattering wrap dresses are, how becoming and ladylike and very good for the figure. And sure, most of the time, this is true. However, when said wrap dress is kiwi fruit green with lovely dust ruffle as a collar, the above compliments are completely void.

Jordan Lukas

Firstly, does anyone else see the young Seventh Heaven Jessica Biel similarity here? Like Jordan could absolutely play Jessie in a telemovie about her days on the religious soap. Take That Rev. Camden: Sticking it to Aaron Spelling By Posing for Playboy, it would be called and I know at least three people who would watch. In other news, the shoes totally don’t match and belong somewhere else, probably Kings Cross.

Kate Ritchie

I feel like last summer was Kate Ritchie’s moment. There was actual genuine anticipation about her possible character death, her fashion sense was also creating excitement and sure nobody likes a nasty split, but it gave her celeb breakup cred. Now, the fashion’s gone, the stupid ending to this season of H&A and she’s probably happy with a new boy. As a way to celebrate her move to radio, I might buy her a steamer, she seems to need it – crinkles be gone!

Kate Waterhouse

It’s like Kate Ritchie has (I think unwillingly) passed the baton of local Aussie fashionista to Kate Waterhouse. And this is big for me, because I was a ice cube when it came to Kate W, cool and chilling. Colour me surprised because I’ve completely melted – Kate looks hot here and the whole outfits is unique, not bought of a Sportsgirl rack at the local mall and completely flatters her sky high long legs. Keep rocking it Kate and you I could be besties.

Sarah Jane Clarke

I’m sure you’ve seen this photo by now, but I think it needs revisiting. If only to prepare for Halloween next year or that 80’s party sure to happen. Objectively, David Beckham’s in town, big soiree with everyone desperate to meet Golden Balls and you’ve scored an invite. Good on you. So why then, would you put on this outfit and think, I’m going to rock it. I’m actually picturing SJ sitting on the edge of her bed, rolling on her silver socks and at that very moment, right at that very moment – what is she thinking, what?

Stephanie Brantz

See it’s all good and okay and everyone is fine and dandy until Steph buys a dress that looks like a Dalmatian pooped on the front, or she possibly spilt a bit of soy sauce. I can’t tell if maybe the big black oil spill is supposed to be something but that’s my point, if it doesn’t come across on photographs and that’s half the reason you buy the dress!

Virginia Gay

Oh dear Ginnie! Like Tiffani Wood-ster I sense we’re going to have long, long road to travel towards fashion forwardness. We took steps at Spring Carnival but back in your natural habit of Sydney, you seem to revert to form. The form of mismatching colours, fabrics and unflattering fashion…yeah let’s work together Ginnie, let’s move forward.

your a scream whoever you are who writes this site( altho writing bitchy websites about "d" grade celebs has been done to DEATH now)..) but really?! i own a stack of bras & to be honest that dress didnt need one- ( & if some thought it did - well - who cares anyway?! thers alot more other shit going on thats more important) id love to see a few pics of you all frocked up - you can dish dearest but can you hack it?!?! :)
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